On 10/31/06, Stephen P. Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You do realize that Ciaran *was* a member of several arch teams, right?

Of course.  But "was" _is_ the operative word.  It's not like I'm
asking for him to be banned from the Gentoo mailing lists or anything.
Chill, ffs.

Arch team leaders set policy on this issues, not Ciaran.  It's useful
for developers (especially ones who have joined Gentoo since Ciaran
was expelled) to be clear on what the arch team policies actually are.

 I would agree with pretty much everything he has said on this topic.
Perhaps you should consider that the reason that not many arch team
folks have chipped in is because we agree with him.

All I'm asking is for arch team leaders to say so.  It's hardly
unreasonable or controversial to ask that.

Don't dismiss his
responses as noise from some random "Gentoo user" who has no idea what
they are talking about.  You should know better then that Stuart.

I'm not dismissing his responses.  I'm just asking for arch team
leaders (which is who the questions in this thread were addressed to)
to chip in, tis all.

Which, I'm glad to say, they've been happy to do.

Best regards,
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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