In the interests of not being accusatory/one-sided, please replace this phrase:

"- partly your fault"

with the phrase

"due to ambiguity on the part of Gentoo and Paludis"

That is what I meant anyway. I shouldn't have expressed it in such a
negative way. Sorry.


On 3/2/07, Daniel Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/2/07, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, er, to whom does this deadline apply then, if not the people
> writing PMS?

I have no clue.

PMS is not a Gentoo project, so they can't impose a deadline on you.

I don't think PMS is deserving of the council's time, as it is not an
specification aimed at interoperability, but is a spec for a
non-Gentoo project. The fact that it uses Portage as inspiration for
its overall design, and is aiming to be compatible with Portage is
irrelevant. In my opinion, it falls outside both the council's area of
influence *and* intended focus.

I believe that Paludis should be treated like any other upstream
project. As such, I don't think the council should spend much time
thinking about Paludis, and we should also not spend a
disproportionate amount of time discussing its design on our mailing
lists. If anyone is interested in Paludis cross-compatibility, they
can join Paludis lists or irc channels and discuss this with Paludis
developers on these lists (in my opinion.) I think there has been way
too much blurring of these boundaries as well - partly your fault.

I agree with Ciaran that the mention of "PMS: deadlines and interested
parties" in the Council agenda trancends the actual authority of the
Gentoo Council and should be reconsidered or at least massively
clarified so we can understand why it is relevant for the Council to
be discussing in the first place.


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