I'd like to ask what are the negative side-effects of adding such
paragraph. Are there any true negative side-effects to a specification
like that?

A different topic is the way the paragraph is written. If we don't
like how it is written, we can change it and problem solved.

To be honest, protecting ourselves from things that now seem
improbable, isn't such a bad idea.

On 3/25/07, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun, 25 Mar
2007 11:16:13 -0400:

> well, while we're protecting Gentoo from hypothetical situations that
> dont exist now but could in the future, we should add a clause that bans
> collusion with Lucifer as that would of course give us a bad rep

Umm... let's not go where this seems to be heading...

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