On Sunday 25 March 2007, Ioannis Aslanidis wrote:
> I'd like to ask what are the negative side-effects of adding such
> paragraph. Are there any true negative side-effects to a specification
> like that?
> A different topic is the way the paragraph is written. If we don't
> like how it is written, we can change it and problem solved.

it isnt a different topic because as pointed out, it's very easy to skew the 
meaning to apply to anything and then screw ourselves

there's also the matter that if some more sponsors were to drop us, we'd then 
have to worry about our infrastructure being "evenly" spaced out among the 
remaining sponsors ... and then we could run into situations where sponsors 
offered more resources and we were forced to say no because our social 
contract was too restrictive

considering the pita this adds to address an issue that doesnt exist, seems 
like a no brainer to me: dont do it

> To be honest, protecting ourselves from things that now seem
> improbable, isn't such a bad idea.

and where exactly do you stop ?

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