On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 23:41 +0200, Danny van Dyk wrote:

> > In which case your Paludis fork of Gentoo will take off like a
> Please, pretty please with sugar atop: Stop this FUD about forking 
> Gentoo. Paludis is not a fork of Gentoo, it's new package manager. The 
> relation between Portage and Paludis can, if at all, probably be 
> compared to dselect vs apt.

Actually, I think we're reading him differently, Danny. I read
Christopher's email as saying "base a fork of Gentoo, using Paludis as
its package manager, and run with it."  To me, he did not imply that
paludis is a fork of gentoo at all.

> Don't reply to this mail, just let it drop. Thank you very much.
Sorry to disobey, but I think it's better to make the communication gap
smaller, and dispel the misunderstandings.



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