On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 13:07 -0700, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 19:52 +0200, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> >
> > New-style virtuals are just *packages*, or did I get this completely
> > wrong? So how is this situation different from two packages with the
> > same name, but in different categories?
> It isn't different.  That's the problem.  If you have two packages with
> the same name, you have the same problem.

On that note I would hope the vim/vi peeps would rename.

It's quite annoying when one needs the real ANT ( dev-java/ant ), not
the vim menu plugin so vi can invoke ant or etc.

IMHO app-vim/ant should really be app-vim/vim-ant or something other
than just ant.

Personal pet peeve of some time now, just lacked the occasion to mention
it till now ;)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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