Paul de Vrieze wrote:
>> > ;; Bozoup(P) 1995 The Bozo(tic) Softwar(e) Founda(t)ion, Inc.
>> > ;; See the BOZO Antipasto for further information.
>> > ;; If this is useful to you, may you forever be blessed by the Holy
>> > Lord ;; Patty.  AT&T you will.
>> That's not a license, it's a copyright notice with added fluff.
>> > The package was marked as GPL-2 but I think this does not really hit
>> > the spot. ;-)
>> If I were you, I would ask the author and not simply label it as-is.
>> GPL-2 it definitely isn't.
> The whole license is especially completely unintelligeable. Is one
> actually allowed to distribute/modify/use the software at all? It is
> probably best to dump the package.
It doesn't seem like a license to me at all, since it has nothing but
declaratory statements. It maybe be Published by some group, but they seem
to make no restrictions whatsoever. As such, I'd personally feel quite
happy using it as-is; I don't think they much care either way :-)

May G bless you all..

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