Mike Doty wrote:

We're going to change the -dev mailing list from completely open to where only
devs can post, but any dev could moderate a non-dev post.  devs who moderate in
 bad posts will be subject to moderation themselves.  in addition the
gentoo-project list will be created to take over what -dev frequently becomes.
 there is no requirement to be on this new list.

I'm not keen on this idea. I like the "traditional" unmoderated mailing list scheme used in open source projects everywhere, including this one at present.

The Gentoo development community is much more closed than the development communities of most other open source projects (for good reasons), and I wouldn't like to see it close up further. Moderation would be used to exclude certain discussion, but the real solution for that is just to teach people to ignore the idiots. (yep, not easy in some cases!)

I'm also not sure that the proposal solves any problems -- I glanced over the last few weeks of mail and didn't see any that I would reject from a moderation queue.

I do like the "gentoo-politics" idea that came up a few weeks ago, which was to move politics off gentoo-dev and to another list, but I'd view it from another perspective (and avoid the words 'politics'): make gentoo-dev for development topics only, and have another list for the rest. But, I suspect we'd come back to the same problem on both lists, where some people are too keen to talk and deviate too far away from technical discussion.


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