A. KDE team drops arch keywords for KDE 4, since KDE4 is new.

Basically, yes.

C. Jer misses keywords because the KDE team did not provide a distinct
list of packages

Because we didn't even ask for re-keywording. :-)

KDE 4.0.x leaves much to be desired which is why it's p.masked (which is, btw, another place a list could be found :) ).

I think C is both Jer's and the KDE teams fault.  How difficult is it
really to produce a distinct package list KDE team?

It isn't hard. We have it on kde.gentoo.org and in p.mask. :-)

See above, though: We didn't even ask for re-keywording in the first place. When we do (or ask for stabilisation), we always provide lists.

Best regards, Wulf

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