> C. Jer misses keywords because the KDE team did not provide a distinct
 > list of packages
Because we didn't even ask for re-keywording. :-)
According to Rej you dropped the hppa keyword without informing him.

That is correct.

The current policy states that you should file a bug in this case.  Did you?

No, we didn't because the whole thing is p.masked for a reason. It, KDE 4.0.1, is broken crap that should not yet be re-keyworded.

We will file a bug for 4.0.2 at the earliest.

If there is no documentation for the dropped keyword then Rej could
easily conclude that the dropped keyword was a mistake and fix it.

When you find 208 (!) packages

1. that have all keywords but ~amd64 and ~x86 dropped,
2. which are package.masked with prominent notice,
3. the maintainers of which are available,

do you assume that was a mistake and randomly keyword stuff or do you ask the maintainers? :-)

Also who detected the brokenness and who fixed it?

Nothing was broken before the failed re-keywording attempt.

Best regards, Wulf

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