On 03:04 Wed 07 May     , Mike Frysinger wrote:
> This is your one-day friendly reminder !  The monthly Gentoo Council
> meeting is tomorrow in #gentoo-council on irc.freenode.net.  See the
> channel topic for the exact time (but it's probably 2000 UTC).
> If you're supposed to show up, please show up.  If you're not supposed
> to show up, then show up anyways and watch your Council monkeys dance
> for you.
> For more info on the Gentoo Council, feel free to browse our homepage:
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/

Here's the suggested agenda. Please feel free to respond to some of the 
commentary within, because it's hard for me to usefully summarize a 
topic's background in an entirely objective manner.

Requested attendees

Active developer: araujo, anyone who could talk about how to get this 
        script running on Gentoo infra
PMS: ciaranm, pkgcore dev, portage dev, any other tools that care about 
Enforced retirement: fmccor, musikc
        musikc has already informed us that she can't make it until an hour 
        later, so this is the final topic.

New process

The last few meetings have dragged out for hours unnecessarily. This 
time, let's return to moderating the channel. Let's try moderating 
during discussion of each topic, then temporarily opening the floor for 
that topic before a vote so anyone can contribute.

Updates to last month's topics


        Document of being an active developer
        Last month:
                No updates
                araujo made http://dev.gentoo.org/~araujo/gcert1.pdf in 
                He'd like to ask for approval of this design and discuss the 
                script, in particular its infrastructure requirements.

        Slacker arches
        4 months ago:
                vapier will work on rich0's suggestion and repost it for 
                discussion on -dev ML
        2 months ago:
                vapier said he was going to work on it that weekend.
        Last month:
                No updates

New topics

        When are ChangeLog entries required?
        This question mainly relates to arch stabilizations.

        Can the council help fewer bugs get ignored by arm/sh/s390 teams?
        The work happens, but Mart says it's not communicated to anyone and 
        has no relationship to whether bugs are open.

        PMS: Are versions allowed to have more than 8 digits?

        What do various PMs/tools support?

        Enforced retirement

                What was the council's role in the recent enforced retirement 
                3 developers?
                The council received numerous complaints, agreed that the 
                lead could take action and discussed the problems with her. The 
                council did not "force" her to claim its actions were hers.

                Why does the council permit such actions in apparent violation 
                Gentoo's policy of openness?
                http://www.gentoo.org/foundation/en/#doc_chap2 says this:

                "Every aspect of Gentoo is and remains open. Gentoo does not 
                benefit from hiding any of its development processes (whether 
                is source code or documentation, decisions or discussions, 
                coordination or management)."

                Chris (wolf) noted that it does specifically refer to 
                development process. Devrel's current process document
                <http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/policy.xml> also makes 
                specific note of the lack of transparency, and disciplinary 
                actions have historically been discussed in a closed 
                environment, in part because of the potential harmful effects 
                the discussions if action is not taken.

                What is the council's role in an appeal?
                How should we proceed with the current appeals?

                If the council is directly involved in disciplinary action, 
                Ferris requests that we amend GLEP 39 to explain how the 
                handles appeals and whether the council can take direct 
                disciplinary action.

        Open floor

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