On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 10:53:13PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 17:47:36 -0400
> Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > > Unfortunately Portage and Pkgcore have broken EAPI 2
> > > implementations. 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > Ciaran, I would think at this point you know this since you've seen
> > this brought up hundreds of times on this list. The mailing list is
> > not an appropriate place to file bug reports. The proper place would
> > be in http://bugs.gentoo.org for Portage and http://www.pkgcore.org
> > for pkgcore.
> Uh... The bugs have already been reported. This is supposed to be a
> discussion about how to handle the fallout -- what do you feel you

Interestingly enough, I don't see a bug filed in either of those 
ticket systems.  I see an irc msg that's vague on details from you 
proceeding this email by an hour or so though.

Pkgcore EAPI2 support was released ~2 days ago; portage EAPI2 support 
was released 09/26, ~12 days ago.  So... not exactly a huge window.  
In addition, all *3* versions supporting EAPI2 are all unstable; 
meaning fairly rapid upgrade cycle by consumers of unstable, and 
not exactly likely to have versions lingering long term in peoples 

So where exactly is this "sky is falling" issue you're worried about?  
Bugs happen.  I'd expect zac will fix whatever issue there is and 
knock out a release w/in next day or so.  I know pkgcore will be 
fixed/released w/in next 12 (post work primarily).

Frankly you're overreacting on this- and that is assuming you *are* 
overreacting instead of just going for a bit of a public smear 
via bugs.

Either way, my vote is fix the bugs, leave EAPI2 as is, and in the 
future kindly file bugs properly (preferably w/out the noise, but 
I'll take usable bug reports in almost any form).

I'd assume zac's opinion will be the same, although he obviously 
speaks for himself.

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