server                        16
logrotate                     10
gsm                           9
custom-cflags                 9
kontact                       8
openmp                        8
plasma                        7
html                          7
demo                          7
smp                           6
icu                           6
editor                        6
multislot                     6
nautilus                      6
audacious                     6
tools                         6
qt3support                    6
dxr3                          6
music                         5
smtp                          5
fax                           5
bsf                           5
irc                           5
mp4                           5
clisp                         5
nfs                           5
pcsc-lite                     5
zvbi                          5
http                          5
web                           5

logrotate: Adds support for the app-admin/logrotate log rotation program

kontact: Enable support for the KDE personal information manager

openmp: Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing),
requires >=sys-devel/gcc-4.2 built with USE="openmp"

plasma: Build optional plasma widgets that require kde-base/libplasma

smp: Enable support for multiprocessors or multicore systems

bsf: Enable support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework (dev-java/bsf)

what should we do about custom-cflags? should this be global like
"Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default package CFLAGS
(not supported)"


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