Markos Chandras <> posted, excerpted below, on  Fri, 08 May
2009 13:42:13 +0300:

> On Friday 08 May 2009 12:19:28 Duncan wrote:
>> Duncan <> posted,
>>[..] If a potential recruit isn't interested in IRC,
>> Gentoo isn't interested in them as developers."
>> Which, I suppose, is good to know, agree or not.

> Ok now you are overreacting.  Joining IRC 2 times in your life ( just
> for the review/recruit process ) is not that hard.

<Sigh. My intent was to put it to bed.>

If it's trivial enough that it's overreaction to refuse to join IRC twice 
in one's life (which it should be noted, to my knowledge anyway, no one 
has actually refused), then certainly, by that same mark of triviality, 
it's overreaction to require it, as well.  Otherwise, if it wasn't simply 
triviality, it wouldn't be overreaction, but misreaction.

But no matter, the practical fact of the matter is that for someone who 
would otherwise not do IRC, it's just one more hurdle in the process.  
Whether it's useful or not, trivial or vital, no longer matters, it's 
defined by the gatekeepers as a requirement, therefore, by said 
definition, it is a requirement.

It's good to know the requirements, including this one.  Which is what I 
was asking in the original post, is it or isn't it.  Apparently, it is, 
and anyone intending to become a developer can now deal with it as such.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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