On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:50:22 +1200
Alistair Bush <ali_b...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I would believe that recent history would show the opposite.  There
> seem to be a group of developers at which the mere mention of ciaranm
> results in setting them off.  Regardless of the technical merits of a
> solution they seem more interested in just derailing anything that
> might have anything to do with ciaramn.

Correct. When he was booted off the project the last time, I breathed
again and picked up my waning interest in Gentoo and it has thrived

> I realise that ciaranm has had a nasty past.  But recently I haven't
> see anything.  I for one hope that this continues and that other
> members of the community take a look at themselves before spouting
> about the evils of ciaramn.

I have come to know Ciaran as an elitist little twerp and he is
one of a few people in the world I wouldn't want to meet, or wouldn't
know what I'd do to if I did meet him. It's really that bad, yes. The
man brought it all on himself for the nasty things he did in the past
and should publicly apologise for each and every time he offended
someone in a web-e-vised 20 hour sorry-a-thon before[1] he is allowed
back to do more than voice his opinion on Gentoo-held media.

Thank you kindly,

[1] Which isn't going to happen.

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