Hi everyone,

I'd like to post the following news item about the restructuring of the
hardened profiles.  I'm passing it by the community for critical review.

Anthony G. Basile (blueness)

Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
Gentoo Developer

Title: Restructuring of Hardened profiles
Author: Anthony G. Basile <bluen...@gentoo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain
Posted: 2010-11-13
Revision: 1
News-Item-Format: 1.0
Display-If-Profile: hardened/linux

During the next few weeks, all hardened profiles will be restructured to
remove the version number "/10.0".  For example, if your current profile
is "hardened/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib" your new profile will be

We will change the profiles one arch at a time, starting with ia64, and
proceeding in order with ppc, ppc64, x86 and amd64.  Once your arch has
been  update, you will receive a warning when running emerge that your
profile has been deprecated.  Use "eselect profile list" to get a list
of the new profiles.  Use "eselect profile set <num>" to switch to your
new profile with corresponding number <num>.

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