Corentin Chary schrieb am 18.04.2011 11:05:
> Fyi: I ran a new scan this morning. It only took 3 hours !
> GNU's Parallel is really a great tool:
> `python list-packages | gparallel --eta --progress --jobs
> 400% euscan | python scan-upstream --feed > /dev/null`
> I'll try to implement charts as soon as I've got enought data.

I really like it. Keep up the good work. It gives a warm and fuzzy
feeling if there are no unpackaged releases for the own packages :)

There is one issue I recognized. How do you get the links for the
unpackaged upstream versions and do you verify if the listed tarballs
exist? I am asking because for app-editors/bluefish [1] there are eleven
unpackaged versions listed but only sources for the three 2.0.3 releases
exist and there are no releases for 2.1.x and 2.2.x.

Daniel Pielmeier

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