On 07/31/2011 10:20 AM, netfab wrote:
> Le 31/07/11 à 04:40, Samuli a tapoté :
>>> If there's any option that allows the use of a separate /usr
>>> partition without an initramfs, then let's explore it. I don't feel
>>> like having to use an initramfs just because I want a small /
>>> without /usr on it.
>> The message is really missing all the context without explanation for
>> WHY you want it.
> System reactivity. I have an old setup with multiple partitions on
> multiple hard-drives mounted on multiple system directories. 

And why is both using an initramfs or migrating /usr to / an problem?

> When the system is busy, it is responsiveness.

I can guess. Suboptimal ordering of disks per speed and usage?

Or what was your point?

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