On Mon, 01 Aug 2011 10:22:02 +0200
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chith...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Samuli Suominen schrieb:
> > should think this inverse; make separate partitions for the data
> > directories such as /home or /var
> > have /usr on /
> > so when / goes down, you still keep your data
> Putting /home and /var on separate partitions can increase isolation
> even further, that is true.
> On desktop systems, directories outside /usr and /home contribute not
> much to the total disk space used. So if you have one / and one /usr
> partition, the total amount of data that would be exposed to
> corruption is not much different from having all of /, /home, /usr
> and /var separate.

On desktop systems, it is common to have random hacks around. Sometimes
large amounts of data are in /var, sometimes somewhere in /mnt,
sometimes in /home. I don't think that setup is really worth
considering deeply.

> On servers, it might make sense to keep /var separate depending on
> which services write there.

BTW is the /srv concept dead already?

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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