Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
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On 01-08-2011 08:31, Eray Aslan wrote:
On 2011-08-01 10:23 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
that's my impression now too since nobody has managed to provide
useful case for separate /usr, or they have been very vague
I will switch if I have to but saying / and /usr on the same
filesystem is the better technical solution just annoys me.

I understand if going against upstream and keeping them seperate is
not worth the hassle and noone steps up to do it.  But then we should
say so.  Please don't kid yourself (or others).
I agree with Eray. Furthermore, please stop trying to reverse "the
game". It's those that want to break existing policies and conventions
that have to justify why they want to do that, not those that want to
keep using what has worked for years. You may not need or like it, but I
want to be able to use partition schemes like the following without
needing to use an initramfs:

/dev/md4                /boot
/dev/md2                /
/dev/sda1               swap
/dev/sdb1               swap

/dev/vg/home            /home
/dev/vg/usr             /usr
/dev/vg/portage         /usr/portage
/dev/vg/distfiles       /usr/portage/distfiles
/dev/vg/var             /var
/dev/vg/vtmp            /var/tmp
/dev/vg/www             /var/www
/dev/vg/repos           /home/repositories
/dev/vg/release         /home/release

Also, desktop users that don't split the /usr path might not like the
"stress" that /usr/portage will add to the / partition - not to talk
about the size and inode constraints.

With the above design, I have on a system the following disk space use:

Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    9,4G  262M  8,7G   3% /

I'm growing tired of how complex and over-designed desktop technologies
that hide stuff from the users keep trying to break the "unix way" and
convince us they're "awesome". No, I don't need or want *kit, groups
exist for something. No, applications that do "magic stuff" with dbus
and xml (and I like xml) on the users back and hide how X work aren't a
"good thing(tm)".

Finally, Gentoo's init system is and will likely be for a long time
openrc, so stop trying to push crazy or experimental init systems - most
with a seemingly "poor design" and unable to do what an init system
needs to do (start and stop services).

- -- Regards,

Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org
Gentoo- forums / Userrel / Devrel / KDE / Elections / RelEng
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As a user, I have /usr/portge on a separate partition as well. I was also planning to have a separate /usr partition soon when I redo my drive layout. It sounds like Gentoo is telling me I no longer have that option without having a initramfs. I guess I will have to decide whether I want to add one more thing to break to have a separate /usr or leave /usr on the / partition.

I thought Gentoo was about choices? It seems one choice is being removed or is it?


:-)  :-)

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