On 06-08-2011 20:55:05 +0000, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 04:13:52PM +0200, Fabian Groffen wrote:
> > In this email, I step away from the current model that Gentoo uses for
> > the gentoo-x86 repository.  Instead, I consider a repo-per-package
> > model, as in use by e.g. Fedora [1] and Debian [2].
> Everything you have mentioned here was previously covered in the
> discussions about Git conversion models. Please consult the history of
> this list, as well as the -scm list. Additionally, a large discussion
> about the pros and cons of all 3 models (package per repo, category per
> repo, single repo) was had at the GSoC mentor summit last year, and a
> number of the core Git developers were involved in the discussion.

I see now my previous search wasn't complete.  Please correct me if I'm
wrong, but I have the impression the previous discussions looked at
repo-per-package just from a storage point of view, not from a
functional point of view.  The git overhead for repo-per-package is
admittedly quite undesirable.

> Problems:
> - atomic/well-ordered commits that span packages, eclasses and profiles/
>   directories. (Esp. committing to eclasses and then packages
>   afterwards).

This can be done with a single commit to the rsync tree script, and it
doesn't necessarily need git repos.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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