On 28 March 2012 07:53, Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> You know, we have "Code Listing 2.1: Filesystem Example" in Section 4,
> we could always adjust that to have a /usr/portage partition in it
> (take a bit of space away from /home, or something)
> It doesn't recommend/require anything, but when users see it they'll
> think about it.

I'd be careful with that logic, users may just copy it without
thinking and then wonder why it doesn't work ( because they didn't do
all the other steps required to make it work such as making sure you
don't run out of space, set DIST_DIR etc etc )


perl -e  "print substr( \"edrgmaM  SPA NOcomil.ic\\@tfrken\", \$_ * 3,
3 ) for ( 9,8,0,7,1,6,5,4,3,2 );"

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