This is one of several braindumps I've got, getting what are potentially
very important details about the Git stuff out of my head, so that it
doesn't matter if I become hit by a bus. Apologies if this mail seems a bit
scrambled, per -core, my brain is rather scrambled lately.

I propose:
- merges are explicitly allowed, even non-fast-forwards
- all commits MUST be signed
- if you include a commit from a user:
  author := non-@gentoo
  committer := @gentoo
  signer := $committer

The thread I started about allowing merges, I want to explain a bit of
history behind it, because it came about as a result of a change in HOW Git
upstream is doing signatures for now.

There are two things to record:
1. who really made a commit
2. who pushed the commit to the repo

They don't need to be the same person.
- Signed commits will prove #1
- Signed pushes will prove #2

Git upstream will ultimately support BOTH forms of signature, but for now, only
signed commits are available.

Good page covering Git signatures, if you don't want to read the rest of my
description below, but this page is much longer, and covers some of the related
features and checking in much more detail:

Git signed pushes:
We were originally looking for a model of signing the actual push
action, and having that recorded in Git. This was important as it
allowed the author/committer/pusher to differ, while still being
securely recorded (the signature was on the actual push action, as a
certification). This is what we had at length discussions with the Git
upstream about this:

Git signed commits:
Signed pushed were delayed in favour of more immediate work on allowing
the direct signature of the contents of a commit. These had the direct
advantage of always being included in the Git data directly.
They were built to stack cleanly on top of the fact that the existing
git repo objects were based on SHA1 hashes of other objects (see
for the DAG of a commit).

Format of the signed Git commit 
If you look at the output of:
git cat-file commit $commitid
You'll see this output like this:
tree ee314a31b622b027c10981acaed7903a3607dbd4
parent 7edca69c39a58b9d08d7145cdfa797ec27049e78
author Robin H. Johnson <> 1338710866 +0000
committer Robin H. Johnson <> 1338710866 +0000

commit message goes here.

That's the COMPLETE commit object.

It is also EXACTLY what gets signed.

If you look the above output (exact same command), for a signed commit:
tree 8a6685fdf45e426a0bce32ac18aa21da9aa8a60e
parent f203a90b7ee239f8cf4df652d94120798c68f7e5
author Robin H. Johnson <> 1338710330 +0000
committer Robin H. Johnson <> 1338710330 +0000
gpgsig -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


You can trivially remove the gpgsig header (the indented lines are 
continuations, up until the \n\n).

If you want to verify a commit, you can do:
# git show --show-signature $commitid

Or you can use cat-file, move gpgsig header to a seperate file, removing 
leading whitespace and the gpgsig bit, and run this yourself:
# gpg --verify commit.sig

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     :
GnuPG FP   : 11ACBA4F 4778E3F6 E4EDF38E B27B944E 34884E85

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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