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On 10/31/2012 08:52 AM, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> 2012/10/31 Dirkjan Ochtman <d...@gentoo.org>:
>> That's rather unsurprising...
>> If you're going to file bugs "in a semi-automated manner", might
>> as well try to assign to the correct maintainer?
> Yep he should've assign them, but anyway the annoying elog
> messages are an issue. And quite few packages suffer from it :-)
> Tom
I disagree on most of them (and have marked the KDE-related bugs as
WONTFIX appropriately). Messages that tell the user about config
options, or "for x functionality install y" (at least until we get
SDEPEND or something similar added to portage) should show up every
time in my opinion. Only initial config and "you just enabled (flag)"
really merits this. Basically, I would rather the user get too many
elog messages than not enough, since I feel that a lot of people skip
over them anyway and so the "only display once" method makes it far
too easy for important messages to get lost in the shuffle.
Chris Reffett
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