On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 15:02:48 -0500
Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> We might be talking past each other.  Sane but minimal is the target.
> Bottom line is that the question isn't whether a minimal system should
> have CUPS installed (that would be an argument for putting it in
> @system - ugh!).  The question is whether a minimal/base system should
> have the cups USE-flag enabled for packages that actually use it.
> And cups is just an example - maybe not a good one.  I just want to
> make sure we're not just dropping flags left and right that everybody
> and their uncle will either re-enable, or won't notice them being
> removed anyway.

I understand that enabling flags only affects packages if they’re
installed. I’m just saying that, in my opinion, sane-but-minimal should
have CUPS disabled because there are plenty of computers that would
want LibreOffice and/or Chromium installed but not have a printer. They
need not be servers if the target is simply sane-but-minimal.


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