On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> +1. If you can't manage moving/updating your packages properly
> and on-time from the sci overlay, please get rid of it.

Seems like the alternative solution is to just not have these ebuilds
in the main tree.

There is nothing wrong with having an overlay that provides a better
experience than the main tree.  Most distros actually operate this way
- just look up your average non-core piece of FOSS software and the
first thing their Ubuntu install instructions will tell you to do is
to add some repository to your list.

I think the main tree can potentially provide a better experience
since it actually gets checked when dependencies are changed.
However, that is only true if somebody is maintaining it.

Pillaging the overlays is fine as long as somebody actually maintains
the package, and it isn't just a one-time copy that resets the clock.
Otherwise, purpose-driven overlays just make sense - they allow a
different set of contributors who are more familiar/interested in a
set of packages to maintain them.


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