On 14/02/2013 23:47, Florian Philipp wrote:
> Why is the overlay bad for anyone? No dev is forced to contribute to it
> and no user has to activate it. There are dozens of overlays out there
> which are not meant to be activated unless you know what you are doing.
> I don't see how this can affect Gentoo's image (as observed by whom,
> anyway?). I mean, it's no different than the attic, just more
> convenient. It's just one more niche in this great Gentoo ecosystem.
> kde-sunset isn't hurting anyone, either.

The presence of "dozens of overlays" _is_ hurting triaging and other
issues. Things like proaudio overlay should die in a fire, and stop
bothering us to begin with.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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