On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I don't mind adding that link to every package mask. Do note thought
> that this is not the only way for a package to be rescued (assuming it
> can be rescued). Providing fixes without becoming the maintainer is
> also a viable solution, which is probably something we need to add to
> that page as well.

I started something at:

It needs some work, and guidexmlification.  However, I tried to hit
some of the alternatives.

I'd like to work on this a bit more to try to urge people to make more
lasting contributions.  Most Gentoo users are sufficiently capable
that they could make real contributions to the distro.  Sure, not
everybody is an expert at everything, but the proxy maintainer project
has been more active than it ever has been so now is a good time for
users to step up and pitch in where they can.  Maybe they can't save
their own favorite package, but they might be able to save somebody
else's, and vice-versa.

Sure, moving to git or gerrit or whatever will make it even easier to
contribute, but the fact is that simply implementing technology
doesn't make up for the fact that somebody still needs to write the


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