Mike Gilbert schrieb:
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn
> <chith...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Fabio Erculiani schrieb:
>>> Or perhaps all these man pages, I don't need man pages locally but
>>> still most ebuilds do install them. What do we do?
>> Users who don't want them set FEATURES="noman".
>>> Let's be serious here.
>> I assure you that I am fully serious.
>>>> Another option would be to add a "dounit" command to a future EAPI (like
>>>> doinitd today) and make portage install them unless FEATURES="nounit"
>>>> (like nodoc/noinfo/noman today).
>>> Why all this mess!?
>> Please elaborate why you think that a "dounit" command is a mess.
> A working solution right now would be to set
> INSTALL_MASK="/usr/lib/systemd/*".

Yes, I mentioned INSTALL_MASK in a previous reply. It is however
unwieldy and has the potential of unintended side effects. This is e.g.
why I chose a USE=savedconfig approach for sys-kernel/linux-firmware.

>  If you want to formalize this into
> a portage feature, I have no objection.

Ok, done:

> The problem with a helper function is that it would miss cases where
> the upstream build system actually installs the units.

I think that is another issue, similar to packages directly installing
init scripts or ldconfig or .desktop files. Sometimes this is ok, and
sometimes maintainers prevent that. Not sure what would be the preferred
way for systemd units.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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