23:37:25  <willikins> rej, you have notes! [21:13] <mrueg> Let me
rephrase this: Just a friendly notice to please refrain from rephrasing
bug summaries from "Stabilize ${P}" to "${P} stable req". This just
adds unneeded noise to the bug. I don't want this on bugs I've reported
or am assigned to.

This is my equally short and "friendly" note: It's not going to happen.
Forget about it. They are not "your" bug reports and anyone is
actually /welcome/ to improve them. Get used to it.

To get technical on the "improvement" bit, we have agreed time on time
that stating the atom and then the action is the way to go. The main
reasons is that it helps people who need to regularly read /lists/ of
bug summaries sort them better. Until we get a specific [Atoms] field
implemented, it will need to stay this way.

Besides the finer technical points of bug maintenance, it simply
infuriates me that anyone would think of bug reports in the possessive.
This is not the way to improve the distro. You're on the wrong track
there. And you weren't being friendly.

No kind regards to the sender,

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