On 7/08/2013 20:34, Kacper Kowalik wrote:
* every atom needs a "=" in front, and
* "Please stabilize XXX" should always be replaced by "XXX stabilization".

Those two are actually useful. There are many scripts used by ATs that
parse title field. One could argue: "Fix your damn scripts" but in the
end it's your "bugspam" vs predicting all possible ways someone could
express an atom.

I seriously doubt that people are changing bug reports cause they break
their sense of aesthetics (/me waves to all OCDs out there). Most of the
changes have some underlying technical reason. Even if it's whitespace,
'=' or ordering.

Which scripts require these rules? AT scripts have worked for a long time just fine, and adding "=" seems to be only fairly recent.

I have started to summaries like "=foo-bar/baz-1.2.3 version bump" and even "=foo-bar/baz-1.2.3 new package". I don't see how changes like this add any value.

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