On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:51 AM, Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> not must, but if I choose to run the official supported configuration,
> well, then telling me to go to an unsupported state is quite confusing
> and sends the wrong signal.

There is no one official supported configuration of Gentoo.  Nobody
has to agree to make systemd an official supported configuration,
because OpenRC isn't an official supported configuration either.  At
least, not in the way that the terms seems to be being used.  There is
no policy that requires packages to run when OpenRC is the service
manager, and there is no policy that requires packages to supply an
OpenRC init.d script.

Now, I'm all in favor of a policy that would require maintainers to
accept well-maintained patches to add such support to packages that
lack it, just as I support this for systemd, or really for anything
else.  Well-maintained of course means timely, regression-free, no
burdens beyond fetching and patching, and so on.


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