On 08/15/2013 04:56 AM, Markos Chandras wrote:
> On 14 August 2013 21:41, hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On 08/14/2013 10:17 PM, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Aug 2013, hasufell  wrote:
>>>>>>>> And their lack of time (to be polite) should not block general
>>>>>>>> progress in gentoo.
>>>>>>> Perhaps these basic notions of how Gentoo development works
>>>>>> You certainly are not an authority when it comes to that
>>>>>> question...
>>>>> Well no
>>>> exactly
>>> Stop it. Now.
>>> gentoo-dev is a list for technical topics, so please take your
>>> personal quarrels elsewhere.
>>> Ulrich
>> Why don't you respond to my technical points then? PMS is blocking
>> progress, again, because it does not reflect reality.
>> I don't even see a reason why we should keep up that effort.
> Because if you want to allow multiple package managers as an option,

If - but why would we do that?

> then you need to have a clearly defined spec for them. The fact that
> portage implemented something
> that is not part of PMS, is not a PMS problem.

It is a problem in the cases where portage had a feature *before* PMS
was defined, and then PMS tries to ignore it (see my last mail)

It is a problem when PMS does not define the configuration, so two
PMS-compatible programs can arrive at opposite results for any operation.
(Why does PMS not define config? Well, then paludis would have a problem)

> So unless it becomes
> part of PMS, it can't be used in places where you expect PMS
> compliance.

Unless PMS reflects reality it serves no purpose but ego stroking and
supressing deviant ideas that some people call "progress"

> If you want PMS to go away, and call portage the one-and-true PM for
> Gentoo, then it's probably something for the Council to decide.
De facto it is like that - if it doesn't work with portage it gets
fixed, masked and/or removed.

Using anything else might work, or not, but it also removes you from
support (e.g. #gentoo, bugs.gentoo.org (any maintainer is free to ignore
or RESO INVA bugs that are not filed with portage) and so on)

Claiming that the absence of a written policy invalidates reality is a
rather amusing theory that makes little sense.

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