On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Andreas K. Huettel
> <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >
> > Stable implies "not so often changing". If you really need newer
> packages on a
> > system that has to be rock-solid, then keyword what you need and nothing
> else.
> ++
> 30 days is too long?  How can something new be stable?  Stable doesn't
> mean "I don't think this is broken."  Stable means "lots of others
> have already been using this and so far there aren't many reports of
> breakage."

Stable also means this is less broken than current stable. In the past I've
gotten push back from arch teams on all sorts of items I consider to be
unrelated to the stabilization request. Yes it'd be great if the world was
black and white and 30 days was a magical cut off but many times its not.
If current stable is causing a crash or some bad user case, I'll ask for a
quick stabilization of a revbump that contains a small scope patch that a
user can confirm it fixes the issue.

> According to distrowatch RHEL is at 2.6.32.  I'm sure it has a
> bazillion backports, but that is what I'd call stable.  Running stable
> means starting to use the stuff everybody else is about ready to stop
> using.  When an upstream releases a new stable release, that means
> that it is just now ready for testing, and chances are they'll have
> another stable release before their previous release really is stable.

Apples and oranges. Its 2.6.32 for the kabi, which they maintain and
support. They have plenty of things that landed in 3.7 in RHEL 6.4. They
have a solid QA procedure to vet their kernels and they're not afraid to
turn the crank on small targeted fixes and pushing those out to resolve
issues as the release matures.

> If you need the release two days after it comes out, you're not really
> looking for a stable release.
> At work we typically buy stuff about a year after it comes out, and by
> the time we're done doing integration and testing it is probably two
> years old and we've gotten 27 patches in the meantime.  That's stable.

Correlation is not causation. Just because software or hardware sat of the
shelf for a year doesn't mean its any more or less stable when it was
originally shipped. If a vendor has a high level of QA with multi-layed
test processes that product will probably more stable out the door than a
vendor with no QA that kicked the product out the door and let their early
adopters find the bugs over the past year. I say probably because again the
world isn't black and white. Your use case with both products could be
exposing a corner case that no user before you and no QA engineer before
you had tried and both products will go boom.

> Gentoo is one of the few distros that really lets you mix and match,
> so run stable on the stuff you don't care about, and if the purpose of
> the box is to serve apps on Rails then by all means use ~arch on Ruby.
>  You can do that and not worry about whether it is going to be broken
> by the latest glibc or coreutils or whatever.
> Rich
Its also precisely that mix and match that might cause instability due to
people not testing things. Case in point QEMU 1.6.0 just came out and it
went through a number of release candidates but no one ever saw that it
depends only on Python 2.4 but actually needs Python 2.6. That's kind of
like Gentoo, a package says it depends on libfoo 1.0 or higher and the dev
that tested stable baz 0.8 confirmed it worked with libfoo 1.0, but baz 0.9
in ~arch still depends on libfoo 1.0 but really needs libfoo 1.1 and libfoo
1.1 is ~arch as well. So the developer running ~arch believed that baz 0.9
works fine since he has ~arch libfoo.

My point is what Gentoo calls "stable" is just something that usually 2 or
more people have compiled and installed vs ~arch which 1 or more people
have compiled and installed.

Doug Goldstein

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