Martin Vaeth posted on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 11:17:49 +0000 as excerpted:

> Duncan <> wrote:
>> and the default is oneshot
> I would always recommend to put -1 into EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS;
> you can still use --select if you really want a new package in a word
> file: after the first installation this should happen rather rarely (and
> you can still use -n --select later on if you forgot it and realize that
> depclean wants to remove it).

I imagine were emerge being written today, -1 /would/ be the default, and 
there'd be an option like --select to add to the @world file if 
necessary.  That's actually the way I setup my scripts, with -1 the 
default, and an extra "2" suffix script variant that did add to the world 
file.  But backward compatibility being what it is, I guess by the time 
portage authors realized they had a backward default, they couldn't 
really fix it, except by something like EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS.

>> Then there's esyn, which syncs both the gentoo tree and layman, as well
>> as automatically handling ebuild patching and redigesting
> You can use eix-sync for that [...]
> The advantage is that you will probably have a better behaviour in case
> some of the tasks fail...

Again, if it were available (and something I knew about) back in the 
day... I might have ended up with that.

However, I've come to appreciate an advantage to writing one's own 
scripts -- bug fixing or adding new functionality is a *LOT* easier since 
you're already familiar with the code.  In fact, speaking from 
experience, adding support for a new feature to a script you've created 
yourself is often easier than figuring out the new config options for the 
same feature for an upstream script, when they add support for it!  Plus, 
you don't have to worry about learning new config options for new 
features you'll never use, since you simply don't code them in the first 
place. =:^)

The ebuild-patching tree and auto-redigest features were in fact recent 
adds, when I needed something that scaled better than one-off ebuild 
editing during the time gentoo/kde dropped support for USE=semantic-
desktop and I had to carry my own patches to kill it.  (FWIW, they've 
since reverted and offer USE=semantic-desktop again now, THANKS
gentoo/kde! =:^)

Similarly, adding git functionality to my existing kernel scripts wasn't 
difficult, and arguably easier to do since I knew the code, than trying 
to reverse engineer the new config options and perhaps the supporting 
code behind it, were I using an upstream solution that added git kernel 
support to existing helper scripts.

>> I have a similar set, but starting with k* instead of e*, for automatic
>> mainline kernel fetching, building, etc.
> This is rather cumbersome, since you should have different permissions
> for building and installing (if you use the recommended way to build
> into a separate KBUILD_OUTPUT with e.g. portage permissions).
> Except for fetching, you might want to use the kernel script from the mv
> overlay.

Actually, both different building/installing permissions (via config file 
sudo option, tho I'll admit since I set that the option, running with 
that option turned off isn't tested, but the basic script infrastructure 
for it is there), and KBUILD_OUTPUT (setting in the config file) are 
already supported. =:^)

And talk about ease of adding functionality, when I setup my 32-bit 
netbook build chroot, it was just a few lines changed in the kernel 
scripts themselves, and a "dynamic config" line added to the config file 
(which is sourced, so accepts both var=val style and dynamic config 
script snippets) to auto-detect which system I was building for and set 
KBUILD_OUTPUT accordingly, thereby keeping the work dirs and config 
entirely separate, automatically, via "dynamic config".

Trivial feature-add, and now that it's there, if I suddenly needed to 
scale to 100 or 1000 different kernel configs, that'd be even more 
trivial (even just a config file change), if necessary by having the 
config file source yet another "separate-builds.conf" file with its own 
dynamic-config logic to choose between the different configs.

This sort of solidly sysadmin level helper/glue script is something Unix/
Linux/Gentoo is well optimized to make not only possible, but trivial, to 
implement, and I definitely put that feature to use! =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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