On 01/30/2014 02:37 PM, Mike Gilbert wrote:
> Here's a simple eclass that pretty much just extracts the XDG stuff from
> the gnome2_environment_reset function.
> One difference: it creates 3 of the 4 directories under ${HOME} instead
> of ${T}, just to mimic the default behavior in the XDG basedir spec a
> bit more closely.
> Please give a look.


Thanks for working on this.

Two thoughts:

1. Would it be worth consolidating this, fdo-mime.eclass, and some other
gnome2-utils stuff (eg. gnome2_icon_cache_update) into a larger
freedesktop eclass?

2. xdg-basedir-setup -> xdg-basedir_setup is more consistent with other
modern eclasses, especially if there are additional functions in the future.

Best regards,

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