On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:33 AM, hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> So this makes no sense, since it's already an unsupported corner case.

Just what use of Gentoo do you not consider an unsupported corner
case, which isn't already better supported by some other distro?

The whole point of using Gentoo is having "support" for all those
"unsupported corner cases."  If you just want everything to support
doing things in the one way which is most supportable, you're
basically doing a really bad job at re-inventing Debian.

I use quotes around support since all support on Gentoo is
best-effort, and that is all I'm getting at here.  If a package
maintainer can support multiple configurations and are willing to do
so, they should be encouraged to do so.

>> I'm not suggesting that package maintainers should be forced to
>> support both whenever possible.  I just don't think they should be
>> discouraged from doing so.
> Yes, they should be discouraged. It's a QA matter.

Well, I'm glad we've all aired our opinions on the matter.  :)

I just fail to see the QA issue here, unless it again boils down to
that it is easier to do QA when you have one configuration (like
Debian) and not many (like Gentoo).

The other issue that keeps coming up is that we don't have good
standards for USE flag naming in these situations, and the solution to
that is to come up with a good uniform practice.


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