On 09/10/2015 02:44 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:33 AM, hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> So this makes no sense, since it's already an unsupported corner case.
> Just what use of Gentoo do you not consider an unsupported corner
> case, which isn't already better supported by some other distro?
> The whole point of using Gentoo is having "support" for all those
> "unsupported corner cases."  If you just want everything to support
> doing things in the one way which is most supportable, you're
> basically doing a really bad job at re-inventing Debian.
> I use quotes around support since all support on Gentoo is
> best-effort, and that is all I'm getting at here.  If a package
> maintainer can support multiple configurations and are willing to do
> so, they should be encouraged to do so.

So we are breaking consistency and introduce maintenance and
configuration complexity, because we want to support a corner case that
isn't consistently supported anyway and will not be (because that's what
the gnome team said and most upstream maintainers do).

You'd actually have to start forking upstream projects if you are
serious about this. Everything else is just fighting the deprecation,
which will come anyway.

I think a lot of people just go wild when they see configure switches
and stuff everything into USE flags without really considering the
impact or the usefulness.

It's not all about choice, it's also about sanity.

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