On Wed, 28 Oct 2015 03:06:59 +0100
hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> A is not that difficult. Most uses of 'openssl' can just be replaced
> with 'ssl', others probably with '!gnutls?' even. A few exotic ones
> might stay and we will have to advice users to set USE="openssl
> libressl" instead of USE="-openssl libressl".
> B will definitely be more work, but ofc is also a lot cleaner and
> totally unambigous.

You haven't taken into consideration the licence incompatibilities:
it gets really messy for libraries: a gpl binary linking against a
   library linking against openssl means the binary can be
   redistributed, but not with such a library linked against openssl...

the point of the 'openssl' useflag is to have something that is not
enabled by default and that can be used in RESTRICT="openssl?
( bindist )" expressions...

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