>>>>> On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:

> Here's the RNG, generated with dev-python/rnc2rng:

> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djc/gentoo-data-dtd/metadata-rnc/metadata.rng

> The best way to convert from RELAX NG to XML Schema seems to be with
> trang; I downloaded an older binary and a JDK on my laptop, but
> couldn't easily get it to run. I don't really have a Gentoo machine on
> which I want to install the whole Java shebang, so maybe someone else
> can run a quick conversion?

Voila: http://dev.gentoo.org/~ulm/metadata.xsd

This was generated with:
$ trang -I rng -O xsd 


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