On 10 February 2016 at 02:22, Daniel Campbell <z...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I can certainly see the benefit here, but wouldn't that still result
> in (arguably) unnecessary (re)builds? If implemented well it'd also
> result in depcleaning them when they're later unneeded, too, so I
> guess it's a wash in that sense.

For me, its worth it, because the effort I spend to manually dep-clean
use flags I don't need at present is far higher than any
automated cost of rebuild will burn me.

I've even recently started using `--with-bdeps n` in conjunction with
--depclean ( because tip, depclean implies --with-bdeps y ), because I
don't mind the rebuild cost, and I much more mind the significant
dependency graph I have sitting around there not earning its weight.

And the beauty of this is you woudn't pay a cent in terms of unwanted
behaviour from the introduction of this feature unless you explicitly
used it.

You'd have to be intentionally using the lazy-use flags to see the
undesired rebuild effect, and if that bothers you, its easy to just
transition a soft-use into a hard use, just like if you don't like how
depclean nukes a package, you can add it to your world file.


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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