Daniel Campbell posted on Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:30:45 -0800 as excerpted:

> IMO you're over-thinking it. I read it as "As you were, then", which is
> a common saying in the (American, at least) military advising one to
> keep doing what they're doing, or return to a resting position. :)

Yes.  That's how I read it too... with the direct military reference in 
my head... but only _after_ realizing my first read simply didn't make 
sense in context.

But I agree, that's almost certainly what was intended, which was why I 
decided there was a missing break, so that "As you were, then", could 
take on the military meaning, which in my (no-military-experience) mind 
at least, generally comes after a pause, represented by a break, in 
print.  Without that, I saw it as continuation of the previous thought, 
with its connections with "dumb".

And knowing from hard experience how easy it is to type something that 
ends up being misread across continents and cultures, I thought it best 
to mention the missing break, tho in hindsight I also should have been 
explicit about the military reference of the positive interpretation, as 
well, as while I considered it obvious once the break was there, now that 
I think about it, it's equally likely (if not more so) to be missed, by 
anyone not particularly familiar with the cultural reference.

So thanks for making the military reference explicit.  I saw it on second 
read, but failed to make it explicit, thus inviting misinterpretation, 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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