On 08/22/2016 10:58 AM, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> it looks like app-emulation/docker expects /etc/hostname to exist.
> On Gentoo, this file does not exist, so I'm wondering how we can make it
> exist?
> I know in OpenRC I can read it and use the value there as the hostname
> instead of /etc/conf.d/hostname if it exists,but I'm not sure whether
> OpenRC should populate /etc/hostname if it does not exist or whether
> something else should do that.
> Thoughts?
> William

Secondarily I'd like /etc/hostname to be seen as a source of truth.
Having to write wrapper scripts to fix /etc/hostname issues can suck
(cloud-init and glean).

-- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

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