On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:40:20 AM EST Michael Mol wrote:
> Highly detailed lists like that--used as a broad standard--are a bad idea.
> They represent a single synchronization point that everyone must adhere to.

That is a statement based on opinion. You say it is a bad idea. I say it is 
necessary and needed. Otherwise wrt to Gentoo ebuilds can stomp on each other. 
Using same GID or UID in more than one ebuild causing problems. There has to 
be something know so others do not use ones others are already.

> That means that every prospective adjustment to the list requires active
> maintenance. That means that for every new daemon someone writes, they have
> to go through an admissions process. For every contentious fork of a
> project, you risk conflict over who the designated contact for the
> assignment should be.

If they package such in Gentoo someone is making a call as to what UID and GID 
should be used. If you think about it from packaging said new daemon in 
Gentoo, it is a MUST.

If it does not exist, should it be entirely random from the packager 
perspective? What if they use a GID/UID specific to them and not others.

There has to be some standard some consistency in Gentoo.

> It adds a large bureaucratic load on everyone. Every itch some developer
> thinks about scratching has to be weighed against engaging with some
> process- laden entity. Maybe they'll participate, but they likely won't.

Gentoo shines at bureaucratic load. That may be one of the only things Gentoo 
is really good at, needless bureaucratic loads that just slow things down and 
fracture the community, exherbo, funtoo, and likely others...

This is not needless bureaucracy , this is necessary.

> Have you watched the IANA ports assignment registry over the years? Consider
> how many services and tools you've seen that *don't* respect it.

Yes, how often to ports < 1024 change? Hardly ever.... Proving the exact point 
why this is needed. People can change them themselves but 99% of the time its 
to some other port > 1024.

Why is there IANA port assignment registry in the first place? Likely for a 
similar reason.

> All of this is why we use identity management tools like LDAP in the first
> place. Heck, it's why we have passwd and group files for mapping names to
> ids and didn't simply hardcode system IDs decades ago.

LDAP typical manages user accounts not system. If the LDAP server is not 
reachable you would make a system completely nonfunctional if it relied on 
LDAP for system accounts.

Also needed from a file sharing stand point of view if sharing parts of a 
system across others. You need consistent GID/UID mappings or things like NFS 
will have lots of problems.

Package a few things in Gentoo that need a UID and/or GID and you will start 
to understand the problem from a operating system packager perspective.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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