On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 01:03:00 +1000
Sam Jorna <wra...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 13/07/17 00:19, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> > It is YOUR comments that are funny, and going in a circular argument
> > just to be argumentative and bringing nothing useful to the
> > discussion. Which should be over now that bugs are filed....  
> I'm not trying to be argumentative or antagonistic, I'm trying to
> understand how your replacement warning differs from what's already
> available and adds value.

It is similar to the warnings that exist now. To my knowledge, other
than generic messages that are always there, and a user is likely to
ignore as noise.

Nothing to my knowledge will tell you that someone was not removed
because it a was a dependency. Neither -c, nor -C does this. I get -C
maybe unware, but -c is not. Even when adding -v to -c, it does not
explicitly say the package was not removed because another needs it.
That is assumed, and IMHO the user is left wanting as previously stated.

> $ emerge -C apg
>  * This action can remove important packages! In order to be safer,
> use
>  * `emerge -pv --depclean <atom>` to check for reverse dependencies
> before
>  * removing packages.

That is my point. That message is always there. The chance that it is
ignored is very high.

> Clearly, hence why I was trying to understand what difference your
> proposal offered. But since we're moving on to serious things now, I
> guess I /am/ done with this thread.
I was proposing to provided further information to the user unique to
that situation. Not removing because it is a dependency.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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