On Thu, 2020-08-06 at 17:14 +0200, Thomas Deutschmann wrote:
> On 2020-08-06 14:22, Michał Górny wrote:
> > > - I am not 100% happy with the title but the 50 char limit
> > >   doesn't allow any more details.
> > 
> > Yes, the title doesn't say a thing why would anyone want to read this
> > news item or not.
> Maybe
> > Be aware of possible reboot problems
> instead?
> > > - No Display-If condition because it is neither a genkernel nor
> > >   kexec-tools issue. We maybe even have additional packages
> > >   which are appending to kernel command-line I am not aware of.
> > 
> > Showing this news on all old and new Gentoo systems makes little sense.
> >  Either someone is newly affected, then Display-if should determine it,
> > or someone is *not* newly affected, then you're either telling him
> > something he already knows or something that is of little value to him.
> > 
> > News items should be precisely this -- news.  Not random pieces of
> > information you've just discovered and want to share with everyone.
> >  This is what documentation is about, and it should be in some kernel-
> > related piece of documentation (handbook?) and not scattered around
> > in news items.
> Sure, you are basically repeating what I wrote in my prolog.
> But the reason why I drafted that news item despite of this is the
> consideration that an unbootable system outweigh the risk to waste
> anyone's time to read something even if they are not affected. Note that
> news items will appear through multiple channels. So if this will help
> someone who didn't read documentation before or just didn't realize the
> obvious risk he/she is taking when using non-persistent names ("It
> worked that way for me past 15 years!") I believe it has served its purpose.

I'm not sure if you've noticed but there are people actively working
towards removing stale news items and trying not to dump everything
on once on a user freshly installing the system.  Don't you consider
this a worthwhile goal?

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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