On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 12:50 PM Eddie Chapman <ed...@ehuk.net> wrote:
>  if people want to run the damn thing just let them be!

If you keep using eudev, and you don't tell anybody about it, then
they won't even know.  Nobody is keeping anybody from using eudev.
They're just not actively doing work to keep it working with changes
in the repo.  If you stop syncing the repo, or fix those issues
yourself, or just avoid the use-cases that have issues, then you can
use eudev forever.

You could even publish an overlay and accept contributions from others
who want to use eudev, so as to share the effort required to do so.
You don't need anybody's permission to do so - all you need is a free
git repo somewhere to sync from.  Being source-based, Gentoo is
probably one of the easiest/most-practical distros out there to fork
system-level packages on.


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