On Tuesday 08 November 2005 19:42, Brian Harring wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 07:39:01PM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > If the changes are reviewed roughly in proportion to the number of hunks,
> > we should be okay. At minimum, we should at least see how .54 turns out
> > as there will be a few major changes in there already. I kind of expect
> > .54 to do better than .53 actually.
> "roughly in proportion" ?

Lot of sparse changes should get more review, or something to that affect...

> Reminds me... portage-commits.  Alias right now sort of does the job,
> but I want it to be an ml so we don't have to manage adding new people
> in- what was the end result infra wise for that?

The initial bug was to request an alias like gentoo-x86-commits. Not sure if 
that's available to the general public or not, but it's likely easiest to 
just maintain it manually for those that request it.

> > Remember also that if we go the 2.1.x route, 2.0.x bugfixes can be pushed
> > out quicker but the fixes all have to be committed twice. I for one am
> > terrible at that. ;)
> That's why we're using svn, and why merge rules. ;)


This has given me an idea of what you are talking about but, by the sounds of 
it, it still won't be a walk in the park. I guess if we only merge changes 
from the stable branch into trunk whenever a release is made from stable it 
shouln't be to hard to keep track of though.

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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