On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 00:01:15 +0900
Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I don't think there's really anything else that can be done for
> 2.0.53 so am thinking that we should probably push _rc7 + docs out
> and let the arch teams mark it stable when they're ready (or stick
> with if it pleaseth them).
> We should put out a 2.0.54_pre1 out soon after that. What I'm
> wondering in is what will be going in? So far I'm thinking along the
> lines of:
> * cache rewrite
> * exec cleanup
> * ldconfig fix
> * sha1 enabling
> The only other new thing in trunk that I know of is logging but
> there's still a question mark over the ordering of messages... Can
> that be resolved soon? Anything else missing? Any reasons against any
> of the above?

Resolved how? I'm not really sure I understood the original problem
(other than listdir being underdeterministic in theory).

> What's on the map for after that? There's a few things listed on the
> new (still unreleased?) project index and I'm looking to get the
> dependency stuff refactored and moved out of emerge.. What are the
> shortterm goals?

- the pycrypto hash additions (for .54)
- Manifest2 verification support (need the GLEP first so the format is
sanctioned). Technically it's complete, just generation is still
unfinished. (so a "maybe" for .54 depending on the timeframe)
- Killing off auto-use+USE_ORDER?
- the recursive grab* functions I just posted (for .54)
- addition of auxget/metascan tools (could be for .54)
- integration of set modules, either as emerge targets (requires
serious gutting of emerge) or a first-class atoms (semantically
tricky, no clue about implementation yet)


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