On 6/16/20 11:43 AM, michael.lienhardt wrote:
> ‌Dear all,
> My bad for not noticing it sooner, but when there is a dependency like
> ">=sys-fs/udev-208-r1:0/0[static-libs?]" (that occurs in
> virtual/libgudev-215-r3), since 'static-libs' is not a use flags of
> sys-fs/udev-242, it is silently not considered during dependency solving
> by emerge.
> However, the PMS states:
>  - it is an error for a use dependency to be applied to an ebuild which
> does not have the flag in question in IUSE_REFERENCEABLE
>  - For EAPIs listed in table 5.4
> <https://dev.gentoo.org/~ulm/pms/head/pms.html#x1-56001r4> as not
> supporting profile defined IUSE injection, IUSE_REFERENCEABLE is equal
> to the calculated IUSE value. For EAPIs where profile defined IUSE
> injection is supported, IUSE_REFERENCEABLE is equal to IUSE_EFFECTIVE
> And 'static-libs' is not in the IUSE_EFFECTIVE of sys-fs/udev-242 (that
> ebuild has EAPI=6).
> So it seems to me that this current behavior of emerge should be
> considered an error, no? Or the PMS should be updated?

It's valid as a 4-style dependency with use-dep-defaults.

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